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Jan 22nd 2011
Vol 6 Issue #4
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Can Sleep Really Make You Smarter?

Not getting enough sleep? You´re not alone. Half of all Americans say they don´t get enough sleep. But did you know that lack of sleep not only affects the way you look and feel, it also affects the way you think?

Learn how sleep affects our memory and recall, and what you can do to get a good night´s zzzz´s.


The Top Spots for Germs and Bacteria Lurking in Your Home

A lot of attention is given to germs this time of year because we are in the middle of the cold and flu season. We all know to wash our hands frequently, especially in public places in order to avoid picking up germs that can cause us to get sick, but a shocking 65% of colds are actually contracted by household germs.

Find out the top hot spots for germs and bacteria lurking in your home.


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a $150 Gift Certificate

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6 Tips to Avoid Winter Weight Gain

The winter can be an extremely difficult time for dieters. In fact, most of us gain a pound per winter. And while this may not sound like a lot, those who gain during the coldest months typically keep the extra weight on and add more over time. Over the long run, this helps explain why our weight tends to creep up as we age, despite an active lifestyle.

Follow these tips during the winter months to combat the winter weight gain and remain slim and trim for spring.


Menopause and Pre-Menopause - Are you Dealing with Dry Skin and Hair?

During menopause your body is experiencing change and upheaval at a dramatic rate. These changes can be hard to combat and even harder to cope with, especially when they affect the look of your hair and skin. But with a little extra care, hair and skin changes during menopause can be a smooth transition.

Learn how you can keep healthy, vibrant skin and hair throughout this change in life.