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Sept 25th 2010
Vol 5 Issue #38

Cholesterol Care
Thyroid Essentials
Acai Berry

5 Common High Blood Pressure Risk Factors you can Control

In the last decade, the number of adults suffering from high blood pressure has increased 30 percent. It currently affects one in three adults and approximately 70 percent of those who have high blood pressure don't have their condition under control. Fortunately, there are certain the risks of high blood pressure that can be controlled.

Here are risk 5 factors you can control.


9 Unusual, But Healthy Fruits You've Probably Never Eaten

Are you tired of eating the same old apples, oranges and bananas? Then why not try some of the more exotic fruits available in the supermarkets. These days' grocery stores are full of interesting, unusual and healthy fruits that can liven up your daily quota.

Check out these highly nutritious, yet unusual fruits you've probably never eaten.


Here´s What Our Customers Are Saying:

"About three months I found out that my blood sugar level was 417. I began a very low carbohydrate diet and ordered Glucose Factors After two months taking glucose factors my blood sugar runs in the 90 to 100 range."


Ubiquinol – Boost your Health with the Best Form of CoQ10

You may never have heard of Ubiquinol, but if you understand the benefits of CoQ10, this important nutrient will be of great interest to you. Not only is it vital in the cellular energy production process, it is also a powerful antioxidant.

Learn more about this new form of CoQ10.


Americans Still Not Eating Enough Fruits and Vegetables

An apple a day? Apparently not in the U.S. That's because according to a new government report, most Americans still don't eat vegetables often enough, and fruit consumption is actually dropping.

Find out the results of the study and how your state compares.