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Sep 11th 2010
Vol 5 Issue #36

Vitamin D
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Cholesterol Care

The Vitamin D Crisis in America - Are you getting Enough?

The Vitamin D deficiency in America is a growing problem as levels of Vitamin D are decreasing at an alarming rate. In fact, 70 percent of whites and 97 percent of blacks in the United States have insufficient blood levels of vitamin D. Some experts even claim we are suffering through a Vitamin D deficiency "crisis."

Find out if you are getting enough of this vital nutrient.

Benefits of Black Cohosh

Black Cohosh is an herb that has been used by Native Americans for more than two hundred years. These days the herb it is still widely used for menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, irritability, mood swings and sleep disturbances, yet many women are unfamiliar with it.

Learn more about the benefits of this herb to help you during your change of life.


Here´s What Our Customers Are Saying:

"I've been taking 1-tablet of Cholesterol Care per day for 6-months and my LDL level has dropped from 175 to 135. Have had absolutely no side effects at all. I'm very satisfied with this product."


The "Dirty Dozen" - 12 Fruits and Vegetables Loaded with Pesticides

Did you know that sweet bell peppers contain, on average, 11 different pesticides on their skin? And that's after they have been washed and put on grocery store shelves. In fact, according to studies on pesticides, those who don't eat organic consume on average, 10 different pesticides per day.

Before you pick up that next piece of produce, find out which ones are covered with pesticides.


Natures Painkillers - Natural Ways to Fight Pain

For many of us, pain is a regular fact of life. Whether it's in the form of a headache, muscle ache or joint inflammation, an ache never leaves our side for too long a time. Most of us deal with pain by taking over-the-counter painkillers, however, there are a number of natural pain killers that can also help.

Here are some of the most effective natural remedies for pain.