Why Testosterone is so Critical for a Man's Health
Testosterone is an important hormone that is critical for a man's health because it plays many key roles in the body and regulates a host of vital processes such as bone formation, building muscles, fat metabolism, and energy and mood regulation. When testosterone levels are low, it can negatively impact a man's fitness, social life, career success, and physical appearance to name a few.
Stop Being 'Bad to the Bone': 10 Tips to Keep Your Bones and Joints Healthy
Your bones literally form the framework of your body, and certain vitamins for strong bones are required to keep that framework strong so it can do its job. Throughout life, your body continuously breaks down old bone and builds new bone. The average person reaches peak bone mass around the age of 30. This is typically when your bone-building capability slows down, and your body can't create enough new bone to replace your bone loss. Regardless of your age or the current condition of your bones, there are simple things you can do to improve your bone health.
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The 6 Nutrients Most Commonly Deficient in the American Diet and How to Get More of Them
It is fairly well know that the American diet is lacking. Between processed foods, fast foods and busy lifestyles, we just don't eat as well as we should. In fact, about 30 percent of the calories that Americans consume daily are junk foods like sweets, desserts, soft drinks, alcoholic beverages and salty snacks that don't have any or very little nutritional value.
Having an allergic reaction to a food is a potentially dangerous situation that will most likely happen to many of us. For reasons not totally understood, food allergies are on the rise. It´s important to understand the very basics of the issue in order to protect yourself and your family.