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October 6, 2012
Vol 7 Issue #40

The Top Spots for Germs and Bacteria Lurking in Your Home

We all know to wash our hands frequently, especially in public places in order to avoid picking up germs that can cause us to get sick, but a shocking 65% of colds are actually contracted by household germs. And up to 80% of food born sicknesses are also caught in your home.

8 Natural Ways to Control Hot Flashes During Menopause

More than 50 million women in the U.S. are currently in their menopausal stage of life. And while different women experience different combinations of symptoms, depending mostly on hormonal makeup and lifestyle, about 85% of all menopausal women suffer from hot flashes. Though hot flashes in themselves are harmless, they can become extremely uncomfortable.

Read What Our Customers Are Saying

OK , so I am a skeptic by nature - I did not think this would work. I am pleasantly surprised ... borderline shocked! I am an easy burn , freckled , pale strawberry blond and I do not tan easy. I am darker than I ever have been in just a month. I do take less than the bottle says and see great results. This is my second order. Would tell anyone to buy.

I ordered vitamins from Healthy Choice Naturals for my aging parents and their friends. The vitamins are of high quality and are affordable. I appreciate being able to support others and know that the products are worthy of sharing.

Natural Remedies That Can Help Tame the Pain

Millions of Americans experience pain in their daily lives. In fact, an estimated one in four Americans has experienced a full day of pain in the last month — and one in 10 said the pain lasted for a year or more. Fortunately, whether your pain is in your back, knees, hands or head, and whether you know the cause or not, there are natural methods that can help relieve the pain.

9 Unusual, But Healthy Fruits You've Probably Never Eaten

Are you tired of eating the same old apples, oranges and bananas? Then why not try some of the more exotic fruits available in the supermarkets. These days, grocery stores are full of these interesting, unusual and healthy items that can liven up your daily quota.

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