February 4, 2012
Vol 7 Issue #5 |
8 Great Foods for a Healthy Heart
Nothing matters more than taking good care of your heart. Getting regular exercise, not smoking, and controlling stress are just a few things health experts recommend, along with eating a variety of nutritious, heart-healthy foods that make up a healthy diet.
Here are 8 heart healthy foods you should incorporate into your diet. |
What is Low T and How do Men Know if They Have it?
After the age of 30, a man may lose up to 2 percent of testicular function each year along with a decrease in levels of this. Unfortunately, most men don't know they are deficient. So what is it and how do men know if they have low levels of it?
Learn more about Low-T and the signs every man should know. |
Read What Our Customers Are Saying |
"I love the Thyroid Essentials product- it changed my life and that of my family because I felt better...it is wonderful I recomend it to everybody I know..."
"Phenomenal product I truly feel a huge difference in my day when I DON'T TAKE the multivitamin!" |
Which Vitamins Should Women Take and When?
As a woman ages, her nutritional requirements also change. That's why it is important to understand what you need as your body changes. Although most nutritional needs can be met through a healthy, well-balanced diet, many women, especially older women, can benefit from a good multivitamin.
Find out which nutrients need to be a part of every woman's diet as she ages. |
What are Amino Acids and How Important are they?
Amino acids are considered the building blocks that comprise protein and are essential to nearly every bodily function. Every chemical reaction that takes place in your body depends on amino acids and the proteins that they build. Our bodies produce some of the amino acids we require, however the balance must come from our diet.
Find out more about amino acids and the vital role they play. |