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Vol #5 Issue #4
February 18, 2007
Splenda Study is a Joke

Apples: Nature's High-Potency Disease Fighter

Do You Eat a Bushel of Fresh Oranges a Day?

A Healthier Way to Use Your Cell Phone

More Deception: Processed Foods Are NOT a Good Source of Omega-3

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Splenda Study is a Joke

Splenda's manufacturers have attempted to imply that Splenda is natural and safe by using the slogan, "made from sugar so it tastes like sugar." But by the end of the complex chemical processing Splenda goes through, it resembles nothing found in nature. This product is in no way, shape or form natural, nor is it a real sugar. It isn't even close.

What's more, the long-term safety of Splenda has never been established. In fact, there have only been six human trials to date, the longest of which lasted just three months.

You will be shocked to learn that the absorption of Splenda into the human body was studied on a grand total of six men. That was the only human study performed, and the FDA allowed them to generalize this study to the entire human population.

The study was published in a journal that accepted a number of studies that were entirely funded by the manufacturer. The study was so poorly designed that it would not even merit a rejection letter from a major peer reviewed journal. Yet, the company was able to convince the FDA that this tiny study could be extrapolated to the entire spectrum of humans on the planet.

That would include children, women, elderly and those with any chronic illness, none of whom were examined. This study was a joke.

The reason this is so important is that it raises concerns about the long-term safety of Splenda. Right now there are absolutely no long-term safety studies for this substance in humans, only a two year study in rats.



Apples: Nature's High-Potency Disease Fighter

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away," and after all these years, new studies reveal why this saying is true. Turns out the humble apple has remarkable antioxidant and disease-fighting capabilities.

Immune boosters in a group of antioxidants called flavonoids are at the center of the story, with scientists calculating that the flavonoid power in just one apple is equal to 1,500mg of vitamin C. And aside from protecting your heart from dangerous free radicals, flavonoids raise your HDL (good cholesterol) and have a blood thinning effect, which lowers your risk of blood clots.

The results of recent entire article



Do You Eat a Bushel of Fresh Oranges a Day?

Ideally, you should be able to get all the nutrients you need from your diet. But these days, fruits and vegetables do not provide the natural quantity of vitamins and minerals they did in years past. Today’s commercial fertilizers and unnatural farming practices are aimed at increasing yields and producing crops as fast as possible. These practices result in nutrient-deficient foods which are often harvested long before they are ripe or, in many cases, before they are even finished growing.

Over the last century, the level of nutrients in our food has plummeted, some by as much as 94%. As an entire article



A Healthier Way to Use Your Cell Phone

A British scientist is about to embark on the largest study performed to-date on the effects of cell phone radiation on human health. Lawrie Challis, chairman of the British government-funded mobile telecommunications health research program, will monitor more than 200,000 long-term cell phone users for at least five years. He’ll be checking for signs of an increase in diseases such as cancer, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s.

It has long been entire article



More Deception: Processed Foods Are NOT a Good Source of Omega-3

The omega-3 fats normally found in the oils of fish and some nuts are increasingly being added to other foods.

Tropicana plans to introduce omega-3-fortified orange juice, and it has already been added to a Kashi cereal from Kellogg and Unilever's "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter." Omega-3s have also been added to eggs, pet foods and dairy products.

Omega-3 has been shown to cut risks of heart disease and other diseases, such as Alzheimer's. Some 40% of U.S. adults are now seeking to add more omega-3s to their diets.

In 2005, omega-3s were added to 120 new food products, and in 2006 they were added to about 250.

USA Today January 1, 2007

Editor's comment:

As we have said for a very long time, increasing your intake of omega-3 fats is one of the most important steps you can take to optimize your health to fight cancer and prevent heart disease.

But now food marketers are jumping on the bandwagon, and many processed food products have been supposedly “improved" with the addition of fish oil or flax seeds to make them appear healthier.

Animal-based omega-3 fats, such or fish oil, are the single most important food you can use to optimize your health and diet. Interestingly, this is probably the single most important nutritional deficiency for most Americans.

But don't go looking for omega-3 fats of any value in your morning breakfast cereal, in your milk, yogurt, bread, orange juice or any other processed food that unnaturally contains a fish oil additive. (I can’t imagine fish oil mixed in orange juice. Yuck!)

We’re concerned that in the processing, heating and manufacturing of these foods, the omega-3 may loose its value, or worse, change the ratio of DHA and EPA that naturally occurs in fish oil.

Without a doubt, the very best source of omega-3s you can consume would be a high-quality fish oil. Take a look at our superior quality, exceptionally affordable, pure, natural fish oil here. We think you will be amazed at the price!

You can paint stripes on a donkey and call it a zebra, but in reality, it's still just a donkey. We think this logic applies to many of the 250 new claimed-to-be "healthy” foods with omega-3 additives!



Boost Your Energy! Repair Your Body at the Cellular Level

Every cell of the body has its own private power plant. These busy, energy producers are called mitochondria, and they need fuel, much like an electrical power plant does.

A key ingredient in the mitochondria's fuel is L-carnitine, an amino acid that allows fats to be used as cellular fuel with far more efficiency. With L-carnitine having such an essential role in the body, it may be important to add this supplement to your daily regimen. It’s a little pricey (about $40-45 at GNC). However, we offer a new formula that includes all the L-carnitine you need, plus: a super high antioxidant berry mix; MSM for hair, nails and skin; a mixed green food; and Alpha Lipoic Acid. This product contains a daily nutritional equivalent of 2½ pounds of vegetables. Read the astonishing facts here