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December 7th, 2008
Vol 3 Issue #30

Healthy Choice Naturals - Thyroid Essentials
Healthy Choice Naturals - Natural Prostate Care
Healthy Choice Naturals - Acai Berry Extract
Healthy Choice Naturals - Tropical Extreme
Immune Essentials - Buy One Get One Free - Coupon Code: FLU12

Germ “Hot Spots” to Avoid this Cold and Flu Season

Along with the excitement of the holiday season, another one of your “not so favorite” times of the year has arrived -- the cold and flu season. Did you know the germs that cause colds and the flu can hang around for a long time on many objects we handle every day?

Find out the most common germ “hot spots” in order to keep the flu at bay.


Headaches: The 14 Most Common Causes and Prevention Solutions

We all experience an occasional bothersome headache.  The most common type of headache is the tension headache which accounts for 75%-90% of all that occur.  Fortunately, these types of headaches aren’t usually a sign of something serious. Instead, they are usually related to lifestyle factors that you can affect.

Discover the 14 most common headache causes and what you can do to ease the pain.


Is it Really Safe to Microwave Food in Plastic Containers?

Microwaves have become a standard appliance in most American households. They are a quick and convenient way to cook or re-heat just about anything. But did you know you might be jeopardizing your health by heating up those leftovers in a plastic container?

Protect your health by learning which plastics are microwave safe.


Quick Ways to Cope with Stress During Tough Economic Times

The current economic situation is taking its toll on the physical and emotional health of the majority of Americans. In fact, according to recent data, 80% of Americans are currently stressed about money and the economy. With stress levels reaching such high levels across the country, it is imperative to learn how to relax and reduce your stress.

Learn what you can do to unwind and alleviate your stress.


A Banana a Day Can Help Keep the Doctor Away

Most of us have heard time and time again the phrase “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. But did you know the same should be said for bananas? When compared to an apple, it has four times the protein, twice the carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus and five times the vitamin A and iron?

Still need more reasons to pick up a bunch of bananas at the store? How about 13 of them?


Healthy Choice Naturals Blog